C. Shannon, MD
Harvard Affiliated Emergency
Medicine Residency Program
PGY2 Resident
A Clinical Elective in Acute Trauma
Resuscitation and Management in Cape Town, South Africa.
Part II
As I wrap up my time in South
Africa, I reflect on the very brief four weeks spent here. It was an incredible
and trying experience, working and learning in such a beautiful city inundated
with terrible violence. I left most of my 14-hour overnight shifts completely
exhausted and utterly impressed with my South African co-residents. On a
typical Saturday night, we were constantly moving, attempting to provide
appropriate care to the constant stream of victims of severe traumatic injury
with limited sources and far less support than back in Boston. I would get tips
for improvement from the local residents with chest tube placements in exchange
for a second set of eyes on an xray or ultrasound.
On one particular weekend night, the
South African residents were forced to adapt to the sheer number of patients by
writing down the injury burden, assessment, and plan on a sticky note that was
then taped to each stretcher, starting the formal medical charting after their
shift ended. It wasn’t until the resuscitation unit ran out of ventilators, but
after there were no more stretchers that the government hospital was finally
able to get permission to go on diversion. Diversion is a status given to
tertiary referral centers when they cannot accept transfers given their own
resource constraints.
In the thick of the chaos, nurses
somehow were able to find or improvise physician-requested supplies that were
out of stock in the supply room. Residents performed brain death exams and
called families about organ donation while still in the Red Zone, as critical
care beds were rarely available, and new patients in extremis continue to
arrive. I witnessed my first ED Thoracotomy during this shift, performed by a
second year resident and supervised by a fourth year resident. It was during
this procedure that a fellow resident reminded me that nearly 20% of the
general population is HIV positive, a likely underestimate for the trauma
population. “Its kind of a right of passage to go on antiretroviral treatment
after an occupational exposure at least a few times while here.” Despite the
multitude of intoxicated and sometimes unruly trauma patients, I was able to
avoid this ‘right of passage.’
I left Groote Schuur Hospital with a
renewed level of appreciation for all of the ancillary staff in the Boston
emergency departments. Its not until you’re forced to take on some of their
responsibilities do you realize how unfamiliar you are with these roles. In
this short clinical elective, I was not close to being able to digest the multiple
of socioeconomic and historical factors at play. During a resuscitation, I was
stopped by a nurse from using trauma shears to quickly remove the patient’s
clothing. She rightfully knew that the patient would live to discharge and
would have no other clothes to go home with if I cut them. I observed and
participated in many less common emergency procedures. The South African junior
residents’ resilience and ability to problem solve quickly to take care of very
ill patients without attending and consultant availability overnight was
intense and courageous. I look forward to improving my clinical acumen over the
next few years of my residency so that next time I work in a similar
environment abroad I am more valuable.
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Ventilator Equipment in the Resuscitation
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triaged to the left, medical emergencies to the right
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and casting room