Anna Ruman
Resident in Pediatrics at Massachusetts General Hospital
April 10, 2019
Hello again! I’ve just returned from my one month rotation
in Chiapas, Mexico with Compañeros
en Salud. I’d like to briefly describe my time in Soledad, the second
community in which I worked as a resident mentor to the local pasante, as well
as my overall reflections on the elective.
Mountains and red soil, Soledad from above |
Soledad is another small community in the predominantly
coffee growing region of the Sierra Madre. It’s a little bit bigger and
slightly better resourced that Matazano, which made for a slightly different
teaching experience for me. Seleni, the pasante working in Soledad for the
year, certainly saw more patients per day, which resulted in some later nights
for us. With our limited teaching time, we chose to focus my educational
workshops on asthma, bronchiolitis, and malnutrition as I had in Matazano.
However, a few cases and projects proved more interesting than others. I saw my
second case of varicella ever (the first I saw in Matazano), and we were able
to look up both photographs and clinical guidelines since the Soledad clinic
has the advantage of Internet on site. With the middle school right next door,
we spent a quiet afternoon setting up a very popular condom dispenser in front
of the clinic. Sadly, our most time intensive project involved an elderly man
with schizophrenia who had elected to forego his depot antipsychotic injection
that month. Without his medication, he became progressively more aggressive,
frightening both his family and neighbors. Apparently in the past, he had
required injections by force, and we were left with the conundrum of whether to
ply him with food and money or to again inject by force. We visited him daily
with snacks, hoping that that day might be the day that he would take his
medication, but we were unsuccessful after three consecutive visits. I do not
know the ultimate conclusion of this situation, but I was so impressed with
Seleni’s empathy and utilization of Compañeros en Salud’s mental health team as a resource
throughout this difficult case. After a week in Soledad, I returned to
Jaltenango for the conclusion of my elective.
Companeros en Salud Clinic, Soledad |
With respect to my overall experience, it was certainly both
challenging and meaningful. Although I have worked in low-resource
international settings prior (including a year living and working in Mexico
after college), this opportunity represents my first actual clinical immersion
abroad as a supervising physician. I’m still not sure exactly what type of
pediatrician I want to be after residency (am currently deciding between
primary care vs. a more acute care subspecialty), and I’m not sure that this
elective helped me figure that out. However, it reminded me that global and
community health will continue to be the focus of my career going forward,
regardless of the level of acuity at which I plan to practice. In addition, I
found many of the systems issues really engaging, i.e. how to maintain an
emergency backpack in each clinic, fully stocked, with procedures about how
often and when to revise it, how to ensure the contained medications and
materials don’t expire, and how to balance what to include in the emergency kit
based on most common complaints, typical resources/transport time (6-8 hours
via car on a dirt road to the nearest pediatric hospital), and just overall
resource limitation. (More to follow on this project! Will be continuing to
work on this). Or the lack of access to microbiology cultures in the region,
meaning that obtaining a urine culture on a simple UTI is challenging and
requires extensive travel on the part of a patient, and GBS screening during
pregnancy is absolutely out of the question. Lastly, it also reminds me how
much I love to teach. I’m already using
some of the techniques that I practiced in Matazano back on the pedi wards at
MGH. For me, education will certainly comprise a significant chunk of my career
focus going forward.
One final reflection: I’m also really fascinated by the intersection
between education and typical development for children in low resource
settings. Compañeros en
Salud is currently launching an infant
development/stimulation program for typically developing infants in its target
communities. I love the idea, and I wonder what’s next. What does it mean that
most children from these rural communities attend school fewer hours per week
than recommended? How does that impact their development and, from a bigger
picture perspective, their ultimate educational and economic opportunities? For
the well child, how can we optimize their opportunity for success? How do we
take the next step? Again, the bigger questions of the role of healthcare vs.
medicine vs. public health – those of interdisciplinary development - we probably
won’t be able to answer today, but I hope that someday I will be able to help
answer these and many more for some of the most vulnerable families and
children, both domestically and abroad.
Thank you for reading and to the Centers of Expertise in Global
and Community Health as well as the Massachusetts Medical Society for their
grant support of this project.